Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
International Community (07-11 January 2019)
International Community (07-11 January 2019)

Sens. Chris Coons, D-Delaware, and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, introduced the Cambodian Trade Act of 2019, which would require the administration to review the preferential trade treatment Cambodia receives under the General System of Preferences.

The US Senate returned the nomination of Patrick Murphy as Ambassador to Cambodia back to US President Donald Trump on Thursday, as the American government shutdown entered its third week.;;;;

Three Chinese warships arrived in Cambodia on Wednesday on a visit aimed at strengthening already close ties between the two nations. About 40 percent of the construction work on a China-funded new national stadium here has so far been completed, Thong Khon, president of the National Olympic Committee of Cambodia.;;;;;

A senior Vietnamese official today met with National Assembly president Heng Samrin in a bid to further strengthen the countries’ ties. Minister of Interior Sar Kheng on began a five-day visit to Ho Chi Minh City, on which border issues and the continued cooperation between Cambodia and Vietnam are to be discussed.;;