Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Other and Political Opinions(26th – 30th July 2019)
Other and Political Opinions(26th – 30th July 2019)

Reports in July that China had reached a deal with Cambodia to establish a military base in the country -- despite denials by Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen -- have deepened concerns about a growing great power rivalry in the Asia-Pacific region.;

Reports of a secret military deal between Cambodia and China have sparked increased tensions between the Southeast Asian nation and the United States. With bilateral interactions at a new low, experts say it is up to the U.S. to refresh the relationship soon or risk further alienation of Cambodia.;

Cambodia, unlike its similarly sized and in many cases much larger peers in the international community, is relentless in is criticism of the US’ blatant intervention in its domestic political affairs, showing how small countries could stand up to the US if their leaders actually have the will to do so.;