Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Judiciary, Authority and Military (06th – 10th April, 2020)
Judiciary, Authority and Military (06th – 10th April, 2020)

The government said it will not release any of the nation’s nearly 39,000 prisoners on bail amid the Covid-19 pandemic, despite concerns about possible outbreaks in prisons raised by human rights groups, the U.N. and prisoners’ families.;

The General Command Headquarters ordered the Royal Army to move a total of 22 tanks and armoured personnel carriers, which were used during the recent Golden Dragon military exercises, from Techo Sen Chum Kiri Military Institute in Kampot province to the Brigade 70 headquarters in Phnom Penh. National Police chief Neth Savoeun issued a slate of measures in an effort to limit the spread of Covid-19 as millions of Cambodian typically travel to visit family and friends during Khmer New Year.;;;