Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Judiciary, Authority and Military (13th – 17th April, 2020)
Judiciary, Authority and Military (13th – 17th April, 2020)

Kampong Thom Provincial Court charged and detained a man accused of inciting unrest over the government’s decision to cancel Khmer New Year celebrations and restrict inter-provincial travel in a bid to stem the coronavirus pandemic. A man who was arrested appeared in the Kampong Thom Provincial Court two days later for criticizing the government’s efforts to prevent the Covid-19 spread.;;;

National Police chief Neth Savoeun instructed all police officers  to oppose the practice of using Cambodian land as sanctuaries or bases to oppose neighboring countries. Savoeun also emphasized the importance of reducing crime and drug use in the Kingdom, adding that the Cambodian people support the action.;

The Phnom Penh municipal administration has issued a press release in relation to recent events at the Boeung Samrong Lake Development Project in Prek Pnov district, rejecting accusations that the local authorities beat and detained protesters.;