Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Civil Society (25th – 29th May 2020 )
Civil Society (25th – 29th May 2020 )

The Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia (Comfrel) said parliamentary efficiency in the first year of the 6th mandate has decreased compared to previous parliaments composed of multiple political parties. COMFREL found that representatives are active in political discussions, they have paid less attention to the peoples’ problems. It said: “Especially with land conflicts between people, there has been no intervention by any representatives of Parliament to assist or find a solution. “Law implementation has been talked about in parliamentary sessions, but not one representative has criticised the process or asked any hard questions. In contrast, there is only appreciation and support for the leadership of the Royal Government.”;;

About 1,500 Cambodian traders framed with “The Cambodian Association for Economy Development” planned to conduct a “peaceful” rally towards Thailand from June 1-7 to try persuade the authorities to open the border of Aranyaprathet district, Sa Kaeo to facilitate normal market trading at Talat Rong Klua.;

Some Cambodian migrant workers stuck in Malaysia after flights were cancelled in April said they received some support from the Cambodian embassy, but they are looking forward to returning home because work is scarce.;

More than 600 factory workers in the capital’s Chaom Chao commune in Por Sen Chey district returned to work after the factory’s owner promised to pay their salaries in instalments until the middle of next month.;;

Farmers in Cambodia’s Battambang province are some of the few people in the country to benefit from efforts to contain the coronavirus outbreak, saying they finally have a market for their crops and can earn a living now that the border of neighboring Thailand has closed due to the pandemic.;