Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Civil Society (24th -28th Aug, 2020)
Civil Society (24th -28th Aug, 2020)

Seventy-five NGOs have asked the government to resume negotiations with civil society organisations on the draft LANGO amendment, which are in limbo, in order to speed up the process.;

Two separate groups of supporters of jailed Cambodian union leader Rong Chhun petitioned a UN office and the Japanese embassy in Phnom Penh for their help in securing his release, ahead of his scheduled court appearance this week.;;;;;

Performers and staff from the Cambodian Cultural Village in Siem Reap continued protesting, fearing the loss of an administrative office would make working conditions worse in the future;

About 50 villagers who say their farmland falls within the planned site of the new Phnom Penh International Airport submitted a petition at Prime Minister Hun Sen’s Takhmao City residence to ask for a bigger payout from the airport’s developer.;

Staff at a Siem Reap cultural tourism complex negotiated with management and provincial labor officials, a worker representative said, a day after more than 40 employees protested outside the attraction calling for an end to salary cuts and a bargaining agreement;;