Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Civil Society (30th Nov – 4th Dec, 2020)
Civil Society (30th Nov – 4th Dec, 2020)

Activist Monks Flee Cambodia Fearing Defrocking, Arrest.  Prominent activist Bor Bet was an active participant in protests that followed the arrest of unionist Rong Chhun. Dozens of youth and environmental activists protested on the streets of Phnom Penh demanding his release.;

Soy Sros spent nearly two months in prison after criticizing her employer’s response to the pandemic. She has been released, but her imprisonment has had lasting effects on her health and her workplace.;

More than 200 indigenous Bunong families in Mondulkiri province have asked authorities to retrieve 5ha of community forest land they claim had been secretly stolen from them by speculators.;

Forest protection activists in Kampong Thom province have expressed concern over increased illegal logging in Prey Lang forest as authorities are preoccupied with the recent COVID-19 situation.;

The Cambodian Labour Confederation (CLC) has urged garment factory workers to strictly follow the Ministry of Health’s recommendations on preventing the spread of the novel Coronavirus disease amid fears after community transmission was detected.;