Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Civil Society (15th – 19th Mar, 2021)
Civil Society (15th – 19th Mar, 2021)

Rights group Adhoc recorded 145 rape cases last year, most of which involved girls under 18 years old.;
The Cambodian Youth Network (CYN) – in collaboration with a group of forest activists – has launch a three-month advocacy campaign on Facebook starting this March to celebrate World Forest Day and spur the Ministry of Environment to stop restricting their forest patrols.;
Around 230 families from three villages in Romtom commune of Preah Vihear province’s Rovieng district said they are worried about the continued encroachment on their farmland by three companies which have licences for gold mining and agricultural in the area.;
The National Trade Unions Coalition (NTUC) sent a letter to the Ministry of Labour requesting that the government cancel the upcoming traditional Khmer New Year this year, due to fear of the COVID-19 pandemic.;
NGO Wonders of the Mekong has released preliminary data on the movement patterns of wild Mekong catfish after 20 fish were surgically implanted with acoustic tags and released into the Mekong River in 2006.;