Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Civil Society (22nd – 26th, Mar, 2021)
Civil Society (22nd – 26th, Mar, 2021)

Transparency International (TI) Cambodia on March 19 released a survey
report on the challenges of women and youth in leadership roles in Cambodia.
The report recommended the government, NGOs, relevant ministries and
institutions to promote women and youth in decision-making positions.;

More than 1,000 NagaWorld workers have joined an online campaign against
suspended salaries after the casino closed due to Covid-19 infections among
employees, workers and a union representative said.;

A youth group demanding that Cambodia’s government tackle major causes of
economic hardship with payments to the millions left jobless as a result of
the coronavirus pandemic on Wednesday called off plans to petition Prime
Minister Hun Sen after municipal authorities denied it permission to rally.

Cambodian police  stopped a youth group from collecting thumbprints in
support of a petition drive asking Prime Minister Hun Sen to address cases
of economic hardship in the country, forcing them to add their own prints
instead to a pledge to end their campaign, sources said.;

Union leaders are concerned about the government’s decision to allow
employers and employees to decide whether to take the Khmer New Year
holidays in April. This could cause friction on the factory floor and also
put workers at risk of contracting the disease if they choose to travel.;

Rights group Adhoc said it had recorded 112 cases of domestic violence in
2020, a slight increase from 102 the previous year.;