Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Media (19th – 23rd, Apr, 2021)
Media (19th – 23rd, Apr, 2021)

The Ministry of Information has issued permits to some 400 journalists to
travel during the lockdown period, ministry spokesman Meas Sophorn confirmed
on April 21.


A publisher of a local newspaper was charged in the Svay Rieng Provincial
Court for false declaration while trying to smuggle two Cambodian labourers
who had completed their 14-day quarantine in Phnom Penh to Svay Rieng
province in his car.


2 hapless drinkers who posted a video on TikTok of themselves defying the
Government ban on alcohol – as well as breaking the Lockdown on non
essential travel – have been tracked down and arrested by the
Anti-Technology Crime Department of the General Commission of the National
