Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Civil Society (23th – 27th, August, 2021)
Civil Society (23th – 27th, August, 2021)

NGO groups have suggested that women in prisons, pregnant women and women with children be released on bail through the prison overcrowding mechanism to avoid the risk of Covid-19 infection.;
More than sixty civil society organizations, unions and local communities have expressed concern over the government’s intention to establish a National Human Rights Commission of Cambodia, calling on the government to first improve the current human rights situation and questioning whether such a body would be able to operate independently of the government.;
Some migrant workers, returning from Thailand to escape a Covid-19 surge and joblessness there, say they are finding the transition back to their hometowns challenging due to quarantine, debt and difficulty finding opportunities.;