Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Political Party (21st – 25th March, 2022)
Political Party (21st – 25th March, 2022)

The Ministry of Interior said it had accepted the concerns raised by the main opposition Candlelight Party (CP) during the first closed-door meeting between the two sides. The government has brushed aside a request from the main opposition Candlelight Party (CP) to establish a joint working group to prevent and resolve any disruptive incident that may occur during the election process, claiming the move is “unnecessary.”;
The unrecognised Cambodia National Heart Party’s (CNHP) founder Seam Pluk has joined the Candlelight Party (CP) and has called on his followers to also do so ahead of the June 5 Commune Election.;
After registering candidates in almost all communes across the country for the June 5 Commune Election, the main opposition Candlelight Party (CP) has warned it will boycott the polls if the pre-election atmosphere was “still bad.”;
Prime Minister Hun Sen announced that he will seek another term and contest in next year’s national elections as the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) candidate.;