Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
 Legislative and Executive​ (11th- 15th July, 2022)
 Legislative and Executive​ (11th- 15th July, 2022)

The government released draft amendments to the Constitution, tweaking articles related to the ruling political party that can form government, the appointment of interim prime ministers and the transfer of power upon death or resignation.
The Justice Ministry said eight new amendments to the Constitution were not for political reasons and needed to ensure functioning of the government, specifically pointing to a lack of detail on the need for a caretaker government between mandates.;
Six hectares of Phnom Penh’s Boeng Tamok has been handed to a four-star general in charge of the Interior Ministry’s finance department, as residents living along the lake’s shore continued to protest their looming resettlement.;