Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Civil Society​ (15th – 19th August, 2022)
Civil Society​ (15th – 19th August, 2022)

The family of a Kampong Thom deputy village chief, who allegedly died in custody last week, has asked for a speedy investigation into the death, with around a dozen officers being questioned last week.;
Unions representing garment workers in Cambodia are seeking a monthly wage hike of between $20 and $50 for their members in talks with the Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) that started yesterday.;
Workers unions, along with human rights institutions, condemn the authorities' crackdown on women strikers over labor disputes between the workers and the NagaWorld company.;
Cambodian labor activists said a visiting United Nations human rights official was given the false impression that the country supports worker rights by authorities who paused a violent crackdown on a months-long protest by a group of former casino employees while the official toured the site.;