Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Political Party (06th – 10th February, 2023)
Political Party (06th – 10th February, 2023)

In an effort to get support from the people for the upcoming National Election, the pro-royalist Khmer National United Party (KNUP) which recently merged with the Kampucheaniyum Party (KP) has revealed its priority manifesto, promising to strengthen social justice, a good quality education system, $25 monthly allowance for the elderly, and increasing the budget for commune development.;
Prosecutors and Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) lawyers confirmed the CPP withdrew a defamation lawsuit against opposition Candlelight party’s top advisor Kong Korm after he publicly apologized and resigned from his position.;

The Candlelight Party (CP) is scheduled to hold an Extraordinary Congress on February 11 to expand its leadership and determine its political strategy for the upcoming National Election.;
The Cambodian Youth Party (CYP) President Pich Sros claimed that the resignations of more than a dozen senior officials, who cited not having enough time to work for the party, is no big deal.;

Sam Rainsy, the self-exiled former opposition leader, has drawn flak for saying he welcomes the lawsuit filed by Prime Minister Hun Sen in a French Court over the former comments on the PM’s sister-in-law, Bun Sotha, who passed away on February 3.;