Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY​(24th – 28th June 2024)
INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY​(24th – 28th June 2024)

Ship 251 of Brigade 127 under Naval Region 5 of the Vietnam People’s Navy completed the 75th joint patrol with Ship 1141 of Ream Naval Base of the Royal Cambodian Navy in the waters between the two countries.;

A new report from the US State Department has highlighted alleged Cambodian government “corruption and official complicity” in human trafficking for the online scam industry”.;

The World Bank approved $145 million credit by the International Development Association to fund the Water Security Improvement Project which would help relieve water shortages during dry season and dryland rice farming. The project also aims to raise agricultural productivity and build resilience to climate risks.;