Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Civil Society(12th – 16th August 2024)
Civil Society(12th – 16th August 2024)

Twelve NGOs jointly organised the Cambodian Youth Forum on "Strengthening Youth Capacity and Empowerment Towards Better Social Justice" to celebrate International Youth Day (IYD) .;
Workers’ representatives at Zhen Tai Garment Cambodia Co Ltd filed a complaint with Minister of Labor and Vocational Training Heng Sour after the Department of Labor Dispute rejected their requests for a resolution to their issues in the factory. The ministry said it will find a solution for them.;
Fifteen indigenous people in Ratanakiri province are worried about losing their rotational farm land after being charged with land encroachment at Virak Chey National Park, which is a protected area. They have been placed under court supervision.;
Lawyers and family members of five imprisoned environmental activists said the activists are still being held at separate remote prisons, making it time-consuming and costly to visit them.;