Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Joint Statement

Phnom Penh, May 2, 2023—The 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day is jointly commemorated on 2nd May 2023 in Phnom Penh by over 10 civil society organizations and media association/organizations in collaboration with development partners. This event gathers around 200 participants including journalists, representatives from civil society organizations, youths, and other stakeholders.

Survey Women Political Activist’s Participation in Politics in Cambodia


Open Letter

Open Letter To Her Excellency Ing Kantha Phavi, Minister of Women’s Affairs His Excellency Khieu Kanharith, Minister of Information Her Excellency Phoeurng Sackona, Minister of Culture and Fine Arts

Joint Statement: Media and civil society groups deeply disturbed by government’s decision to revoke VOD’s media license and the sexual harassment of a female reporter

Phnom Penh, February 13, 2023 – We, the undersigned media and civil society organizations, are deeply disturbed by Prime Minister Hun Sen’s order to revoke the license of Voice of Democracy (VOD),

Joint Statement
“Access to Information Law to promote public services and sustainable development”
Expedite Access to Information Legislation to promote public services and sustainable Development

Democracy Elections and Reform in Cambodia 2021