Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results

We, the undersigned Non-Governmental Organizations, Associations, Trade Unions, Members of the Cambodian Civil Society and citizens are deeply concerned about the current political and economic situation in Cambodia after respect for human rights and democratic principles has declined following the 2018 general elections….

Finding and Recommendation On The 2018 Monitoring Observation and Audit Voter List

Finding and Recommendation On The 2018 Monitoring Observation and Audit Voter List

Press Release On Summary of Parliamentary Watch Reporting for the 5th Mandate of the National Assembly

According to the results of COMFREL’s observation of the National Assembly MPs for the fifth legislature, October 2013 to June 2018, found that early in the fifth legislature the NA was deadlocked and conducted illegal initial sessions with only N/A members of CPP,…

Press Release ‘Assessment and Voters’ Scorecard on the Fulfillment of Political Platform of the Fifth Mandate of Government’

With the outcome of the fifth mandate of the National Assembly Election, the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC), led by the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), established its political platform which were categorize into four main sectors.

Joint Statement on the EU’s decision to start the process of suspending Cambodia’s access to its preferential Everything But Arms (EBA) agreement.

We, the undersigned Non-Governmental Organisations, Associations, Trade Unions, Members of the Cambodian Civil Society, and citizens are deeply concerned about the launch of the European Union (EU) Commission’s procedure to temporarily suspend Cambodia’s access to its Everything But Arms (EBA) trade agreement.

Joint statement – CSOs call for outright rejection of draft amendments to the Constitution and Criminal Code, amid legislative assault on Cambodian people’ rights and freedoms

We, the undersigned organizations and communities, express our grave concern regarding the Royal Government of Cambodia (“RGC”)’s proposed amendments to the Constitution

Press Release ‘Assessment and Voters’ Scorecard on the Third Year Fulfillment of Political Platform of the Fifth Mandate of Government’

During the fourth year of the fifth mandate of the National Assembly (NA), the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC), led by the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), has fulfilled six of 16 political platform promises with precise indicators.