Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Civil Society (12th – 16th June, 2023)
Civil Society (12th – 16th June, 2023)

CCFC acting president Meun Ratana said he wants the ministry to review and reconsider its decision because none of the work that the CCFC has done involved revolution or incitement. He said the group just shares agricultural techniques and provides rice seeds to farmers. The Interior Ministry announced Tuesday that it suspended the Coalition of Cambodian Farmers Community (CCFC) on June 7, after its president and two other staff members were arrested and charged with plotting and incitement in May. The ministry’s letter issued a “temporary suspension of activity” of the CCFC, located in Phnom Penh’s Sen Sok district, until the court finishes investigating the criminal cases.;
A group of over 1,000 families in Phnom Penh effectively advocated for the Prime Minister to speak out after they say the construction company Borey Piphup Thmey violated their contracts and seized their homes.;
Thirteen employees at a Puma-supplying factory have lost their jobs after participating in a union election earlier this year.;
Korn Savang, from the Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia (COMFREL), recommended that more study and consultation is necessary for making progress towards future reforms of the electoral system, especially the specification of election laws and correct procedures related to the participation of various political parties with the democratic process in Cambodia.
Liberal International, a world federation of liberal and progressive democratic political parties, noted that Theary Seng had moved back to Cambodia from the US in 2014 to fight for human rights and instead of fleeing after a violent government crackdown was launched in 2017, she stayed. “Her imprisonment only shows that Hun Sen’s authoritarian rule is threatened by any political dissent. By not allowing any freedom of expression, Hun Sen continues to raise fear in the people of Cambodia that speaking up against injustice will cost one’s freedom,” it said.;