Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Civil Society (14-18 January 2019)
Civil Society (14-18 January 2019)

Phnom Penh Municipal Hall spokesman Met Meas Pheakdey told The Post on Monday that it will likely allow a ceremony marking the 15th anniversary of the murder of union leader Chea Vichea, adding that the decision is subject to Governor Khung Sreng’s approval.;

Eleven former teachers filed a complaint at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court on Wednesday against their sacking by Minister of Education, Youth and Sport Hang Chuon Naron last January, for being absent without permission. ;;

Some 10 environmental activists from Phnom Penh universities have urged Preah Sihanouk provincial authorities to restore the part of Prek Treng beach which a private company filled in September, while the governor claimed the firm had already been ordered to do so.;

More than 2,000 garment workers from Kingmakers (Cambodia) Footwear in Svay Rieng province’s Bavet city yesterday held a protest to demand 50 percent of their monthly wages after the company announced it was suspending work for a month.;

More than 1,000 garment workers have lost their jobs following days of protest calling for wages to be paid for December.;