Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Civil Society (14th – 17th, Jun, 2021)
Civil Society (14th – 17th, Jun, 2021)

When garment factories in Phnom Penh resumed operations last month after
the lockdown, officials and factory owners insisted workers would be safe.
Factories were to divide workers into two shifts to allow for adequate
social distancing; and testing, tracing, and vaccinations would help contain
the spread of COVID-19.


Nearly 1,000 Vietnamese households in Phnom Penh have dismantled their
house following the city authorities’ order to relocate floating houses and
fish rafts on the Tonle Sap river.

Families evicted from floating settlements along the Mekong and Tonle Sap
rivers in Phnom Penh are still looking for a place to live after they were
driven from their homes by the city authorities on Saturday. And while the
Vietnamese Association in Cambodia has continued to ask the authorities to
give the families somewhere to stay temporarily, local officials say that
the largely ethnic Vietnamese community is on its own.


A community representative in a Preah Sihanouk land dispute was arrested in
a case in which three Coalition of Cambodian Farmer Community members were
also sentenced to jail last year, and which has previously been reported as
involving Deputy Prime Minister Yim Chhay Ly.;

More than 100 private educational institutions have decided to request a
meeting with the government to find ways to reopen schools as many of them
are facing bankruptcy and on the brink of closing. The decision came during
a virtual meeting among them on June 15.;

Three young environmental activists were taken into custody in Phnom Penh
and a fourth detained in Kandal province.;