Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Civil Society (19th – 23rd, July, 2021)
Civil Society (19th – 23rd, July, 2021)

Rights group LICADHO on July 21 called for the courts and the Ministry of Justice to consider granting mild and vulnerable pre-trial detainees the right to bail to reduce prison overcrowding amid the pandemic.;
Hundreds of families affected by a land dispute with the Ministry of Defense in Kandal province, are still waiting for compensation and a resolution six weeks after violence broke out.;
In a move a labor group said was unprecedented, NagaWorld is calling on governmental labor inspectors to authorize the dismissal of a group of union leaders as part of the casino’s mass layoffs, overriding the legal protections unionists enjoy unless they have committed serious offenses, a workers’ representative said.;
A petition with more than 900 thumbprints demands the removal of a district governor in Kampong Chhnang province, as residents accuse him of selling state land for his own benefit and using inappropriate words against others.;
About 30 civil aviation staff representing 131 people gathered to demand for their severance pay to be given as soon as possible. The gathering happened on July 23.;