Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Civil Society (19th -23th Oct, 2020)
Civil Society (19th -23th Oct, 2020)

Seven civil society organisations, associations and unions will gather at Freedom Park in the capital’s Russey Keo district with 1,000 participants to celebrate the 29th Paris Peace Accords on Friday. But the Phnom Penh Municipal Hall has advised that the number should not exceed 120.;

A public opinion poll conducted by three NGOs over the past years has found a decrease in the number of people who understand their fundamental freedoms and rights.;

Over 1,200 garment workers have been protesting over unpaid wages and benefits from Violet Apparel (Cambodia) Co Ltd. in Cambodia, after the factory suspended its workers in May 2020, before ceasing operations on 1 July.;

Residents in Phnom Penh’s flooded Dangkao district say they are running out of options as food prices rise and bills arrive, but the incomes of thousands in the community have been disrupted after floodwaters halted production at the neighborhood’s main employer.;;