Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Civil Society ( 21th – 25th Dec, 2020)
Civil Society ( 21th – 25th Dec, 2020)

More than 110 civil society organizations have urged the Swedish government to reverse a decision in November to move its embassy to Thailand, an action observer said at the time was linked to Cambodia’s democratic backslide.;

About 100 poor families living along the Thai border say they have no interest in leaving to make way for a development, demanding $100,000 each in compensation and protesting against court summonses for three representatives.;

More than 50 Cambodian migrant workers were arrested in Thailand and sent back to Cambodia after they sneaked into Thailand.;

A migrant farm worker from Cambodia was found dead on a subzero day earlier this week inside a vinyl greenhouse she had been living, leading the police to open an investigation and shedding light on appalling living conditions faced by farm workers here.;

Five civil society organisations urged the government to take action against Hoang Anh Gia Lai (HAGL), a Vietnamese agribusiness firm, for alleged land clearing activities on areas allocated to indigenous communities in Ratanakkiri province’s Andong Meas district.;