Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Civil Society (25th – 29th July, 2022)
Civil Society (25th – 29th July, 2022)

Unions are planning strikes next month in the food industry and the country’s factories in support of the long-running NagaWorld labor dispute, after authorities accused her and another of Cambodia’s prominent union leaders of incitement.;
More than 300 village residents from Koh Kong province protested at a district hall, asking for a social land concession to resolve their longstanding land conflict with a sugarcane plantation.;
About 40 people from the Daun Ov community, representing some 84 families in Choeung Ek village in Dangkor district, gathered Wednesday at Phnom Penh City Hall to urge authorities to issue long-awaited land titles to the community as a nearby development project moves forward.;