Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Civil Society (28th Sep – 2nd Oct, 2020)
Civil Society (28th Sep – 2nd Oct, 2020)

A group of civil society organizations on September 28 called on the government to revise the draft Law on Access to Information, taking particular issue with an article that says confidential information can be withheld in certain unspecified cases, while the Information Ministry has maintained that the draft will move ahead without further revision.;;;

Some 132 lawsuits against 379 people have been used to silence expression and stifle civic engagement in the year to March, with most of the actions brought by the government, the Cambodian Center for Human Rights said.;;

Four Koh Kong villagers were detained for about 12 hours after camping outside the provincial hall in a group of about 60 land protesters since Monday, they said.;;

Eng Malai, a member of the youth activist group Khmer Thavrak, is now facing health problems after being jailed in Prey Sa Prison, her younger sister reported. Malai, also known as So Meta, was arrested on Sept. 7 for taking part in a peaceful protest.;

Civil society organisations (CSOs) and communities have urged the government and relevant institutions to make Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) public, but officials say they are required to follow the policies of confidentiality of private firms.;;

The Cambodian Independent Teachers’ Association (Cita) will hold a gathering of over 100 participants to mark World Teachers’ Day next week with the theme: Promoting teachers’ rights.;

Garment factory workers have expressed concern over the small increase in minimum wages promised next year, amid rising living costs and other financial burdens faced by employees in the sector.;

Cambodia's move to scrap some employee bonus and holiday entitlements is likely to hurt the poorest workers already reeling from the coronavirus pandemic, labour rights groups and unions warned on Thursday.;