Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Civil Society(18th – 22th May, 2020)
Civil Society(18th – 22th May, 2020)

Oxfam and four other organisations have kick-started a month-long social media campaign to mobilise a million supporters to send the message to world leaders that when a Covid-19 vaccine is found it must be free and fairly distributed to everyone on the planet.;

Dozens of migrant workers in Banteay Meanchey province tried to sneak into Thailand since to seek jobs despite the Thai border being locked down to prevent the spread of coronavirus.;

Dissident Kung Raiya, who faces up to four years in prison on charges related to his printing of T-shirts with murdered political analyst Kem Ley’s image and words, said he does not expect justice when the court’s verdict is announced next month.;

Former staff of The Great Duke Phnom Penh hotel who were laid off protested to get compensation wages while the Labour Ministry said  it will source funds to pay compensation wages to them.;;