Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
International Community (04-08 March 2019)
International Community (04-08 March 2019)

South Korean President Moon Jae-in will pay a state visit to Cambodia from March 14-16 at the invitation of King Norodom Sihamoni, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation announced on Monday.;

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Friday reiterated support for the One China Policy and opposition against the creation of an independent Taiwan. Shenzhou International Group Holdings, a leading Chinese clothing manufacturer, on Wednesday broke ground for the construction of a new 150-million-U.S.-dollar garment factory here after operating in the country for 14 years. Prime Minister Hun Sen has also dismissed concerns that Cambodia is becoming a Chinese vassal state after criticism over the country’s pivot to Beijing amid souring relations with the west over human rights and democratic decline.;;;

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday called on all diplomats to focus on reducing the Kingdom’s foreign aid dependency by “turning challenges into opportunities”.

A senior government official on Tuesday said the superpowers’ interference in the internal affairs of foreign nations, under the banner of democracy and human rights, has pushed some countries close to war, causing their citizens to suffer, and is currently threatening peace and security in Venezuela. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation said on Thursday that 2018 was a year in which Cambodia had “vigorously struggled” to respond to threats to its independence through attempted interference in its internal affairs and the continuation of a “colour” revolution to topple the government.  Minister Prak Sokhonn has renewed criticisms of the European Union for its “double standards” when it comes to dealing with the government.;;;;;