Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
International Community (15th – 19th May, 2023)
International Community (15th – 19th May, 2023)

US Embassy spokesperson Stephanie Arzate said, “The decision to reject the Candlelight Party's registration - for allegedly failing to submit correct paperwork - undermines Cambodia's democracy ahead of July 2023 national elections. The German Foreign Office said the decision of Cambodia’s National Election Commission to disqualify the Candlelight Party from July elections runs counter to pluralism and democratic principles. And the European Union said the refusal of the Cambodian National Election Committee to register the opposition Candlelight Party is another worrying sign of shrinking space for political parties to compete in the upcoming general election.
Two Indian Naval Ships departed Cambodia after completing a three-day goodwill visit in Cambodia as part of the effort to further promote military cooperation between the two Asian countries.;