Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
International Community (25-29 March 2019)
International Community (25-29 March 2019)

The United States has begun making payments towards its $37 million aid for the protection of the Prey Lang protected area. The U.S. State Department's principal deputy assistant secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Patrick Murphy, on Friday called on the countries in the Indo-Pacific region to follow “free, open and rules-based” principles.;;

A 28-day Sino-Cambodian joint military exercise, dubbed the “Golden Dragon”, ended on Monday at a shooting field located inside the Techo Sen Chumkiri Training School in Kampot province’s Chumkiri district.;;

Indian coastguard ship INS Vijit is making a port call in Sihanoukville from Monday to Friday as part of the unit’s ongoing “goodwill visit to Southeast Asia”, the Indian embassy said in a press release on Monday.;