Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
International Community​(11th – 15th March, 2024) ​​​
International Community​(11th – 15th March, 2024) ​​​

The United States has expressed “serious concerns” to Cambodian officials about the Chinese-funded upgrade of a Cambodian naval base.;

The EU has provided £89 million ($97 million) in grant funding to Cambodia to support development across four sectors: agriculture and food, energy, technical training and trade.;

The US Ambassador-nominee to Cambodia, Robert Forden, has conveyed his commitment to partnering with the new Cambodian government to pursue a shared vision of a “free, open, prosperous” society, emphasising the importance of prioritising respect for human rights and multiparty democracy.;

​Japan has provided $154 million to support the implementation of the Cambodian government’s Regional Hospital Development project, part of its efforts to promote the Kingdom’s socio-economic development.;