Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
International Community(24th – 28st June 2019)
International Community(24th – 28st June 2019)

The United States  urged Cambodia to investigate a Chinese-owned special economic zone after uncovering efforts by firms operating there to evade duties on products destined for export to the United States.;

Prime Minister Hun Sen  lashed out at critics over accusations that the influx of Chinese nationals and investments in Preah Sihanouk province in recent years is a “debt trap” and a form of colonisation.;

Ney Samol, the Permanent Representative of Cambodia to the UN Office in Geneva, has said that recent criticism of the Kingdom’s human rights, democracy and rule of law comes as no surprise. Government spokesman Phay Siphan  slammed a statement by the UN human rights office which highlighted concerns over the political and fundamental rights of those criticising the government.;;;