Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Judiciary, Authority and Military (05-09 November 2018)
Judiciary, Authority and Military (05-09 November 2018)

A senior government official said on Sunday that former opposition party leader Kem Sokha, who is currently under home detention on “treason” charges, would not receive a Royal pardon while his court case is ongoing.

Three land activists were briefly detained by the Daun Penh district authority after they attempted to submit petitions at Prime Minister Hun Sen’s residence in the capital.;

There are no human rights violations in Cambodia, the head of a Cambodian government human right  committee told reporters  following talks with a United National rapporteur on the rights record of the autocratic Southeast Asian country that has been run by strongman Hun Sen for 33 years.;