Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Judiciary, Authority and Military (14th-18th, November, 2022)
Judiciary, Authority and Military (14th-18th, November, 2022)

A car with Royal Cambodian Armed Forces license plates has been found carrying 200 kilograms of drugs after it was in a traffic accident.;
Two NagaWorld unionists have been questioned in the Phnom Penh Municipal Court over breaking and entering, intentional damage and unlawful confinement — but they still don’t know what the casino company is accusing them of.;
A military general and his soldiers violently took over land in Sihanoukville, bringing knives, making threats and destroying fences, alleges a complaint from residents.;
The Supreme Court upheld the 2018 bribery convictions of five current and former staffers of human rights group Adhoc, concluding the appeal process in a criminal case that critics have said failed to substantiate the charges.;
A Battambang Candlelight official was convicted by the provincial court for trespassing a stranger’s front yard in a case where he attempted to document alleged commune election violations in June.;