Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Judiciary, Authority and Military (1st – 5th July 2019)
Judiciary, Authority and Military (1st – 5th July 2019)

Kampong Thom provincial police are investigating a complaint by a former CNRP official about a murder attempt by four unknown men who beat him up and stole his phone in Baray district on Friday.;

Anti-corruption Unit chief Om Yentieng  declined to launch an investigation into the recent seven-storey building collapse in Sihanoukville, saying it did not involve corruption. Om Yentieng also said  that an investigation into the assets of Ratanakkiri Military Police commander Kim Reaksmey and Kandal provincial police deputy Sreng Sokha revealed no evidence of corruption.;;;

The police are setting up a working group and an action plan to crack down on money laundering, National Police spokesman Chhay Kim Khoeun said on Monday, after another senior police officer said in early June that the offence had increased in the first half of this year.;

A construction of Cambodia’s first privately run prison, which is set to allow prisoners with enough money to upgrade to more comfortable cells, is close to completion.;