Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Judiciary, Authority and Military  (29th August – 02nd September, 2022)
Judiciary, Authority and Military  (29th August – 02nd September, 2022)

Fourteen imprisoned members of the outlawed opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party were transferred from Phnom Penh’s Prey Sar prison to Trapaing Thlong prison in southern Tboung Khmum province on August 21, with three saying they had experienced violence in their new prison.;
The Royal Cambodian Amy (RCA) Commander Lieutenant General Hun Manet has defended the core roles and responsibilities of Prime Minister Hun Sen’s Bodyguard Unit amid a spike in criticism and calls for sanctions against unit commanders.;
The Court of Appeal declined to release prominent Cambodian-American human rights advocate Seng Theary, who in June was found guilty of plotting and incitement to overthrow the government and sentenced to six years in prison.;