Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Judiciary, Authority and Military (29th July to 2nd August 2019)
Judiciary, Authority and Military (29th July to 2nd August 2019)

The National Police has vowed to arrest former opposition leader Sam Rainsy and his colleagues as soon as they return to the Kingdom.;

Anti-cybercrime Department police have arrested a former Supreme Court-dissolved Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) activist in the capital for allegedly insulting government leaders on social media.;;;;;

Authorities in Mondulkiri province  removed some 400 boundary poles planted by villagers around state land reserved to build an airport, while local people claimed they have legitimate ownership of the land with proof from the local authorities.;;

Anti-Corruption Unit officials  arrested the Pursat provincial land management department director over an allegation that he sought bribes from a construction firm owner to approve a project.Prime Minister Hun Sen  ordered the Anti-Corruption Unit to intensify its crackdown on corrupt government officials following the arrests of three Pursat provincial land management officials suspected of seeking bribes to approve a construction project.;;

The Takeo provincial authorities  halted the construction of a Chinese-owned footwear factory, which consisted of four buildings, in Bati district’s Komar Reachea commune for lack of a permit.;

Chugyuen Plastic Manufacture Co Ltd has been ordered to return 83 containers filled with plastic waste found at Sihanoukville port to their countries of origin. The company has been fined more than one billion riel ($250,000) for illegally importing the waste.;;