Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Judiciary, Authority and Military (3rd – 7th June 2019)
Judiciary, Authority and Military (3rd – 7th June 2019)

The customs bureau chief of Kampot province’s Prek Chak checkpoint on Sunday filed a lawsuit against nearly 10 journalists for insulting and illegal interference with the fulfilment of officials’ duties after a video clip showing an argument between officials and the group of journalists came under fire.;

In May, the Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) received 31 complaints regarding corruption cases, but no corruption was found among them, according to a statement issued on Friday by the National Council Against Corruption on its 46th meeting of the second mandate held on the same day.;

Senior officials of the Ministry of Interior revoked more than 36,000 invalid documents from foreigners in the first five months of this year, a ministry report issued on Tuesday said.;;;