Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Judiciary, Authority and Military (March 16th – 20th 2020)
Judiciary, Authority and Military (March 16th – 20th 2020)

Interior Minister Sar Kheng said some police officers disregarded drug complaints and reports filed by citizens.;

The Kandal Provincial Court sent military sub-region operations commander Kim Sovann to prison for secretly selling the property of others.;

General Vong Pisen, the commander-in-chief of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, imposed a movement restriction order in the military to prevent the possible transmission of the coronavirus among military personnel.;

Chum Kiri district, Kampot province – More than three thousand soldiers descended upon a 17,000-hectare training area to kick off the Kingdom’s annual joint military exercise with China despite COVID-19 fears.;;;

After global money-laundering watchdog Financial Action Task Force placed the Kingdom on its grey list last year, the Interior Ministry has cracked down on 75 cases, seized about $8 million and confiscated nearly 3,000 vehicles.;