Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Judiciary, Authority, and Military(12th – 16th August 2024)
Judiciary, Authority, and Military(12th – 16th August 2024)

The Supreme Court upheld lower court verdicts against Thach Setha, a vice-president of the Candlelight Party (CP), who was sentenced to three years in prison for inciting the public to topple the government and also for making discriminatory remarks against the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) and its leadership.;
Provincial police force and district authorities have set up barricades to check on people traveling from one area to another, restricting entry of groups to Phnom Penh to prevent “extremist groups” from organizing a so-called color revolution on August 18 to “topple the government”.;