Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Judiciary, Authority, and Military(19th – ​23rd August 2024)
Judiciary, Authority, and Military(19th – ​23rd August 2024)

The Phnom Penh Municipal Court charged and detained a military officer for allegedly cheating nearly two victims out of nearly $30,000 total by taking money from them in exchange for jobs in the military in 2021 and then failing to secure them the promised positions.;

Authorities arrested more than 30 people across Cambodia over the weekend after a heavy security presence was deployed in major cities to stop planned protests against an economic cooperation agreement with Vietnam and Laos. The brother of a prominent overseas Cambodian activist was arrested at the Thai border as he attempted to leave the country just weeks after Senate President Hun Sen publicly threatened the activist’s family. An opposition Candlelight Party commune councilor in Siem Reap city was arrested, which the party claimed has brought the total number of the arrests of their members and activists in connection to the anti-Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Development Triangle Areas (CLV-DTA) to 10.;

The president of the Candlelight Party (CP), Teav Vannol, has appealed the ruling by the Phnom Penh Municipal Court ordering him to pay over $1.5 million to the Attorney Group of the Royal Government of Cambodia for defamation.;

Phnom Penh Appeal Court has overturned the trial court’s guilty verdict of Wing Star Shoes union president Chea Chan, who has served six months in jail. Chan was arrested without a court warrant in February 2024 after his factory filed a complaint following his election as union leader.;