Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Legislative and Executive (01 – 05 April 2019)
Legislative and Executive (01 – 05 April 2019)

Prime Minister Hun Sen  threatened Cambodians who complain about regular power outages, that he would order the state provider to turn off their supply if they continued to voice their grievances. Prime Minister Hun Sen  hit back at accusations by unnamed “analysts” that the recent widespread power outages across the Kingdom were a “pretext” for the government to build further hydroelectric dams.;;;;

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has announced plans to reform the nation’s economy on a large scale with a 17-point strategy, aiming to stimulate growth and save the private sector some 400 million USD per year in costs;

Women’s Affairs Minister Ing Kantha Phavi yesterday said that women are still facing social and economic challenges, although much has been done to empower them.;

The National Assembly on Monday held the second session of its sixth mandate to discuss and approve several agendas.;;