Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Media (03rd – 07th, May, 2021)
Media (03rd – 07th, May, 2021)

Press freedom in Cambodia is steadily declining and is ranked 144 in the world, the director of Cambodia Journalist Alliance (CamboJA), Nop Vy said.;

A businessman who posted a video onto Facebook about drinking and violating the Royal Government’s ban on alcohol was arrested by the Preah Sihanouk Provincial Police.;

Nearly four dozen nongovernmental organization marked World Press Freedom Day in Cambodia on Monday by urging the government to ensure that reporters can carry out their work free from fear of retaliation amid the country’s worst outbreak of the coronavirus to date.;

The Ministry of Information announced that all journalists are prohibited from entering Red Zones and prohibited areas for reporting, and called on media practitioners to stop assuming events without any concrete evidence in their reporting, leading to public confusion.;