Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Media (12th – 16th, July, 2021)
Media (12th – 16th, July, 2021)

News publisher Los Seng, of Los Seng News, says he is under pressure over
covering land disputes related to Phnom Penh’s new international airport in
Kandal province, warned to stop his reporting and told that a case against
him was headed to court.


The Cambodian-Chinese Journalists Association (CCJA) held a ceremony to
distribute donations to 30 journalists who were in need on July 16. The
ceremony was held at the Khmer-Chinese Association headquarters in Borey
Rongroeurng, Sangkat Prek Leap, Khan Chroy Changvar, Phnom Penh.​


Battambang Provincial Court charged and detained a local journalist accused
of inciting a felony or causing social unrest by writing a Facebook post
asking the international community to take action against Prime Minister Hun
Sen and to cut off all aid to Cambodia.;