Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Media (29th Mar – 02nd Apr, 2021)
Media (29th Mar – 02nd Apr, 2021)

At least 31 out of 72 journalists who were either attacked or threatened
with violence while doing their job last year were imprisoned, according to
the Cambodian Journalists Alliance Association (CamboJA).;

 The Cambodia-China Journalist Association has sent more than 20 Cambodian
journalists for training in China since its founding less than two years
ago. If not for Covid-19, it would have sent many more, its president, Soy
Sopheap, says.


A 32-year farmer was arrested a few hours after insulting Prime Minister
Hun Sen on his Facebook page on Monday.


The Union of Journalist Federations of Cambodia (UJFC) has called on
journalists and social media users to put greater focus on moral and ethical
considerations when disseminating information in order to avoid spreading
fake news.


Information Minister Khieu Kanharith and the Ministry of Health launched a
large scale vaccination campaign for journalists and information officials,
which started  and will run until April 9.
