Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Media and Social Media (29 October to 02 November 2018)
Media and Social Media (29 October to 02 November 2018)

On the occasion of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists,  The Cambodian civil society groups and communities, condemn the ongoing impunity enjoyed by perpetrators of crimes against journalists and human rights defenders in Cambodia, and urge the authorities to take immediate action to ensure the effective, independent, and transparent investigations of all crimes

The Ministry of Interior on Saturday announced the closure of six Facebook accounts, which it said had incited insecurity in Cambodia.;;

Cambodia has made significant progress on reducing poverty since its transition to democracy in the 1990s, yet millions still remain at risk of falling back into destitution given the nation’s shaky dependence on foreign money, both from trading partners and aid donors. That’s why many Cambodians will be desperately hoping the European Union’s recent threat to suspend valuable trade preferences does not actually come to fruition.;

Kampong Cham Provincial Court yesterday freed on bail a TV journalist who was charged with fraud and detained for a week by provincial police.;;