Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Media(19th – 23rd Aug 2019)
Media(19th – 23rd Aug 2019)

The Ministry of Information concluded the final revision by key ministries of the draft Law on Access to Information, without making any major amendments. It will be submitted to the Council of Ministers to be rubber-stamped by the end of September or beginning of October;

Cambodia’s Information Ministry recently warned that it would revoke the licenses of print and online media outlets which distribute fake news that could endanger national security.;

The Interior Ministry hit out at a Voice of America programme in which the Kingdom was accused of not prosecuting Chinese nationals who committed crimes but instead deports them to their home country to face action.;

Asking for comments from a government spokesperson is a crucial but challenging task for journalists in Cambodia. The spokesperson may not pick up the phone, say they are too busy or refuse to comment. The , government spokesman Phay Siphan said the recently-created Royal Government Spokesperson Unit, of which he is the head, will help solve this problem.;