Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Other and Political Opinions (12th – 16th July 2019)
Other and Political Opinions (12th – 16th July 2019)

Almost 8,000 families and some 8,000ha of agricultural land in eight provinces have been affected by flooding and strong winds in August, National Committee for Disaster Management spokesman.; ;;;;

Withdrawing Cambodia’s tax-free entry into the European market would negatively nearly four million people, the Garment Manufacturers Association of Cambodia (GMAC) said, as a monitoring period to determine eligibility for the trade scheme drew to a close.;

Labeling China as a “currency manipulator” is paranoid and Sino-phobic, Cambodian experts said.;

The Cambodian Chamber of Commerce  requested the government and Supreme National Economic Council to consider cutting more public holidays in order to attract investors to the Kingdom.;

There is a debt crisis slowly but surely building in Cambodia that could see millions of people losing their homes and family farms — the result of microlending run amok amongst 15 percent of the population. And while the individual loans are small — relatively speaking — the total amount of debt is anything but “micro” — in all, Cambodian consumers owed $8 billion in loans as of the start of 2019, and the situation is teetering on the edge of becoming a full-blown debt crisis with sharp economic and political ramifications.;

For the last two years, the Cambodian government has been touting the fact that, for the first time, it will be putting up most of the money to pay for its own population census, as opposed to previous ones in the past that were paid for by foreign donors. But the way in which the process has been conducted has already raised concerns about the results and their significance.;