Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Other and Political Opinions (21st -25th Sept, 2020)
Other and Political Opinions (21st -25th Sept, 2020)

In 2019, the agriculture, forestry and fishing sectors contributed just 20.7% to the country’s gross domestic product, compared to 28.8% in 2014. The drop in labor force to 32.2% of Cambodia’s total workforce last year from 45.9% in 2014 further highlighted a slowdown.;

Southeast Asia-focused oil company KrisEnergy has reached a loan deal with Kepinvest Singapore, that should help the company bring online its Apsara offshore project in Cambodia's Block A on time, and remove the risk of losing the license.;

Cambodia is now witnessing a crackdown on dissent of a level that is unprecedented in the country’s recent political history. In the current atmosphere of increasing repression, in-person youth engagement in politics and social issues seems to lead directly to immediate arrest and imprisonment.;